Category Archives: Project ‘Amor’

Project ‘Amor’

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We dream a lot, we fantasize a lot, we love a lot… Those things in our head… Those images, voices, scenes… How to put this in words?  I’m a dreamer…  How about you?


This project called ‘Amor’. The definition of ‘Amor’ in Latin is ‘Love’. Everyone needs love…  In this project we exchange our ‘Amor’ to eachother. We need to communicate openly with eachother about the decisions we will make.


  1. We need a plot;
  2. We need a cast;
  3. We need scriptwriters;
  4. We need a storyboard of shots/scenes;
  5. We need a stylist.
  1. Plot: I’ll began with a plot, after that you can give your own opinion. You can add more interesting developments.
  2. Cast: If we know the plot, we can decide who will be our cast. You can make your own list or vote which actor or actress should take the places.
  3. Scriptwriters: After the plot and the cast, we will began to write the story. You only have to fill the lines that the main actors or actresses are going to say.
  4. Storyboard: Here we won’t make any sketches of scenes, because it will take so much time! So we will write our scenes.
  5. Stylist: It’s important to have a stylist. The cast must fit the pictures of the characters.


  1. You have to communicate and write in (correct) English.
  2. Threats, abuses, (sexual) harassment are not tolerated!
  3. Respect each other.
  4. Spams are also not tolerated.
  5. Please subscribe your opinions, ideas, etc. on the pages >>>

Join the team

Just subscribe! I only need this information from you!

Name: Necessary

Gender: F/M

Age: Not necessary

Website: Not necessary

Country: Necessary


  1. Huyen (IronicCreature)
  2. Lupita S Arrarte (lulupita1)
  3. Raecell
  4. x
  5. x
  6. x
  7. x
  8. x
  9. x
  10. x



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